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ANR Pipeline CO ANR Pipeline CO offer services in pipelines and pipeline services.

Detroit Heading
  (248) 589-9670      31600 Stephenson Highway, Detroit, Michigan 48071 Detail
etroit Heading specialize on hand tools commercial and industrial.

International Specialty Tube
  313-923-2000      6600 Mt. Elliott , Detroit, Michigan 48124 Detail
This particular firm expertise on pipes / tubes bending, cutting, and fabricating. This particular firm expertise on pipes / tubes bending, cutting, and fabricating.

National Certified Pipe Wldng
  (313) 341-7661      14801 West 8 Mile Road, Detroit, Michigan 48235 Detail
This firm offers services to business & professional associations and organizations.

Service Steel CO
  (800) 275-8823      13700 Sherwood Ave., Detroit, Michigan 48212 Detail
Service Steel CO specialize on industrial equipment and supplies dealers.