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Privacy and Legal Policy

Ezilon.com allows its readers and subscribers to search the Internet using a unique and user-friendly system. It is the company?s policy to preserve the privacy of our visitors at all times. Filling out the information forms is a necessary procedure that allows the website to collect personal data from visitors.


The order forms devised by ezilon.com have been secured using encryption technology to provide a safe interface for site subscribers and submission services for site webmasters. Contact information including name, e-mail and home address will be requested and financial data may be needed, such as credit card number and expiry date for credit card holders, in order to provide a type of service you have requested. This database will only be used if inevitable when a customer needs to be contacted concerning a specific order they have put through. Ezilon.com will in no circumstances make use of customers? information for the purpose of selling or trading between other companies or individuals, without having obtained the customer?s permission before hand. Personal information will never be divulged to any third party without the person's approval.

Ezilon.com also collects data to determine how our subscribers visiting the website use and browse through the different pages and how long they view particular content. We use this combined information with the aim to strive to improve the layout of the website in order to maximize user-friendliness and utility as well as rendering it more appealing.

Ezilon.com may use this statistical data and render it public should it deem it necessary to do so.

Ezilon.com users may be contacted occasionally with community news or to be informed about available promotional offers. Only those users who previously agreed to receive the above mentioned information will be contacted.


Children who are less than 13 years old are protected by a specific online privacy regulation designated as the Children?s Online Policy Protection Act of 1988. Websites are restricted in the way they gather, use and divulge personal information belonging to this age group. In accordance with COPPA regulations and the ezilon.com policy, we will never:

a. Deliberately solicit or gather personally identifiable contact information either online or offline concerning users under 13 by using third parties.
b. Deliberately divulge or exploit personal demographic information either online or offline concerning users under 13.

DISCLOSURE: in conformity with applicable laws and lawful government requests, ezilon.com may access and divulge subscribers? demographic information in order to operate the site?s systems or to safeguard both the website and all users. It will also reserve the right to communicate the aggregated data with other third party companies.


All users with Internet access may visit the ezilon.com website and take advantage of the services it offers as well as those of its affiliate sites. These terms and conditions of use and Copyright Notice regulate the exploitation of our services and websites as do all the applicable laws and rules which also comprise regulations ruling trademark and copyright. All subscribers to our website agree to these terms and conditions of use, without restriction or restraint. Ezilon.com and its affiliates may at any time change these terms and conditions of use without prior notice and will notify its subscribers on the website?s screen. By using ezilon.com?s services and sites you tacitly agree beforehand to any changes we may decide to make.

The unauthorized reproduction, modification, distribution, publishing, broadcasting, selling, retransmitting and advertising of copyrighted material used and presented on the sites and services, including but not exclusively related to software, content, graphics, videos, photographs, names and logos constitutes an infringement of the copyright owners? rights. This material is protected by copyright and trademark laws as well as other regulations and belongs to ezilon.com and its affiliates or licensors and may not be used without prior written consent and authorization.

The information, views and details contained within ezilon.com services and sites originate from different organizations and individuals. Our website?s services and material are provided on an ?as is? basis without warranty of any type, express or implied to the extent permitted by the law, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This does not include those warranties that are imposed by the laws which apply to this agreement and that cannot be excluded, restricted or modified. Ezilon.com and its affiliates do not take responsibility for any inaccuracy, reliability of opinions, statements or advice.

When posting content or other material on the ezilon.com website you agree to refrain from using anything harmful, unlawful, insulting, harassing, derogatory, obscene, rude, hateful, racially and ethnically offensive or indeed in violation with all applicable local, state, federal and international laws.

You are held responsible for all material you post and will safeguard ezilon.com and its affiliates, divisions, subsidiaries, representatives and agents from any claim which arises from material you have posted or transmitted. Ezilon.com and its affiliates do occasionally supervise or review posts by users or subscribers as well as other material diffused on the website, although it is by no means under the obligation of doing so.

The authors who distribute content on our sites are the only ones legally responsible for the information they divulge, hence users agree and concede that ezilon.com and its affiliates have no control whatsoever over the information published on the sites. The services and sites you use at ezilon.com are available as long as you acknowledge that any reliance on material posted by other users will be at your own risk.

In no event will ezilon.com or any of its affiliates, agents, subsidiaries, divisions, representatives or licensors be liable for any damages, including without limitations, incidental and consequential damages or injuries, lost profits or damages due to loss of data or similar damages resulting from the use or inability to use the website, services and material provided. By this agreement you relinquish all claims against ezilon.com and its affiliates, divisions, subsidiaries, agents, representatives and licensors concerning the information made available to you through the use of our sites and services.

In general, any communication or material you post to the sites and our services is considered non-confidential and not protected by trademark or copyright. You remain the sole person responsible of all content and material you publish, conceding ezilon.com and its affiliates the liberty to edit, publish, copy and distribute the content you post.

Ezilon.com and its affiliates do not supervise and screen websites that are linked to other sites and cannot be held responsible for the content of linked third-party sites and does not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of materials on such third party web sites. Whether or not you decide to access linked third-party web sites, you will be doing so at your own risk.