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Ameriprise Financial, Inc.
  (315) 234-7021      313 E Willow Street, Syracuse, New York 13203-1976 Detail
Company provides tax savings. more efficiently structured debt. consolidating accounts to potentially reduce fees.

Dermody, Burke & Brown, CPAs, LLC
  315.471.9171       443 N. FRANKLIN STREET,, Syracuse, New York 13204 Detail
A company that provides pension administration, valuations, financial services, management/sales training and information Technology.

  800-356-1029      115 Continuum Dr, Syracuse, New York 13088 Detail
Provides cost effective solutions for self funding for Medical, Dental plans, and workers' compensation plans, as well as risk management solutions, including property & casualty and stop loss insurance.

The Central New York
  (315) 449-3000       432 North Franklin Street , Syracuse, New York 13204 Detail
A company that provides financial planner, services - insurance, services-rtirement planning.