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Red Oak Nurseries Inc.
  (315) 672-3055      5860 Ike Dixon Road,, Syracuse, New York 13031-9620 Detail
Provides suppliers of quality northern grown trees, plants and landscape material located in Syracuse, New York.

Aspinall's Tree Nursery
  315.687.5282      8797 E. Genesee Turnpike , Syracuse, New York 13037 Detail
Company stocks all of the most popular types of trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals.

CNY Landscapes
  315-288-5250       4339 Oak Orchard Rd. , Syracuse, New York 13041 Detail
Specializes in designing and installing a complete outdoor area and performing weekly maintenance services.

Cross Creek Nursery
   (315)682-1118       8390 Cazenovia Rd.,, Syracuse, New York 13104 Detail
Nursery has been growing and providing quality trees, shrubs, annuals and perennials to homeowners and contractors.

Landscaped Interiors
  (315) 469-GROW      P.O. Box 249 , Syracuse, New York 13078 Detail
Company specializes in design, installation, and maintenance of live foliage plants in commercial spaces.

Manlius Shade Tree Farm
  315-682-0653      8706 Peck Hill Rd. , Syracuse, New York 13104 Detail
A farm has over 135 verity of shade, ornimental and evergreen trees.