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11th Avenue Hotel And Hostel
  303-894-0529      1112 North Broadway, Denver, Colorado 80203 Detail
Find information about the hostel and other low cost things to do around town.

AAE Hostels
  (304)268-8981      1112 Broadway, Denver, Colorado 80203-2107 Detail
Centrally located in the heart of downtown Denver the AAE 11th Avenue Hostel is within blocks of all Denver attractions.

Boulder International Hostel
  303.442.0522      1107 12th St., Denver, Colorado 80302 Detail
Offers dorm (shared) rooms and private rooms for travelers on a budget.

Hostel of the Rockies
  303-861-7777      1717 Race Street, Denver, Colorado 80206 Detail
An old elegant apartment building converted into a 50-bed hostel.

The Melbourne Hotel and Hostel
  (303) 292-6386       607 22nd St., Denver, Colorado 80205 Detail
Offers clean, comfortable, quiet, secure lodging with a Western flavor.