My friends and I went fishing with Mark the shark in march of 2011.
He was rude from the very beginning. Told us many times that our fishing technique was wrong, that we didn't fish his way and that's why we didn't catch anything. On his website it says that if you won't catch a fish the next day is half off...well we had to pay full price for all 3 days we booked him for. It also says that you will get a shark tooth and a tshirt. He told us that he would give it to us on the last day and then he didn't show up and sent diferent captain to work instead of him and the new gut had no idea where the t-shirts or the teeth were. We are deep see fishing few times a year in many locations around the world and by far this was the worst boat and the worse captain we have ever fish with.
On top of this he has no regards for environment. We caught a fish that was out of season and mark killed it anyways. He also throws garbage straight into the ocean.
His boat is a joke too. Judging by the sound and amount of oil they were adding to the engine every day it's on it's last leg.
Again...don't go on this boat unles you want to have a bad experience with a rude captain.