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Buster's Doughboys & Clam Cakes
  (954) 765-6665      4305 N. Pine Island Road , Sunrise, FL 33351 Detail
Buster's Doughboys & Clam Cakes provides clam cakes, kids menus, homemade doughboys, beer, wine and lunch specials services.

Panera Bread
  954-851-9755       13815 West Sunrise Boulevard , Sunrise, FL Detail
Panera Bread specializes in breakfast, pasta, sandwiches, pastries, sweets, cakes, cookies and breads services.

Susie's Scrumptious Sweets Inc.
  954-748-4740      5399 Nob Hill Road, Sunrise, FL 33351 Detail
Susie's Scrumptious Sweets Inc offers cakes, cupcakes, sweets, wedding cakes, gourmet cupcakes and specialty cakes services.