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Carson Manufacturing Company, Inc
  317.257.3191      5451 North Rural Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 Detail
Specialize in the manufacrure of emergency vehicle sirens and rotary switch

Network Engineering
   800 946 9543      4975 E 79th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 Detail
NEI offers an award-winning high availability and distaster recovery solution that protects your company's productivity, profitability and reputation.

  317.844.0141      4181 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46240 Detail
Offer a variety of solutions to your medical practice management needs from Windows computer systems to medical management billing services.

Span, Inc.
  (317)34�7-2646      4404 Guion Road , Indianapolis, Indiana 46254 Detail
Specialize in custom battery chargers, multi-bay chargers and mobile computer stations.