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Brooklyn Hobbies
  (718) 951-2500       3852 Flatlands Avenue, , Brooklyn, NY 11234-3526 Detail
Provides empire racing, engine parts, engines, glow plugs, helicopter parts and helicopters.

Greenpoint Toy Center
  (718)383-3437       738 Manhattan Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11222, Detail
Toy center provides international play things, models & hobbies and play sets.

Joseph Koch Inc.
  718-768-8571.      206 41st Street , Brooklyn, NY 11232 Detail
This website dedicated to star wars, movie memorabilia, starlog fangoria and freddy hellraiser.

  1-888-642-0093      35 Doyle Court East , Brooklyn, NY 11731 Detail
Company carries a huge selection of plastic and wooden model kits.

Michele's Craft & Hobby Supply
  718-377-9183      2090 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11234 Detail
hobby shops retailing plastic models, trains, radio control, diecast, NASCAR collectibles, lionel and much more.

Train World
  718-436-7072       751 MCDONALD AVE. , Brooklyn, NY 11218 Detail
Specialize in lionel trains, bachmann trains, LGB trains and MTH trains.