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  212-674-2300      841 Broadway Suite 301, New York City, NY 10003 Detail
Specialize in health disabilities treatment, family, youth health care, housing assistance and public benefits services.

  212.297.0700      60 East 42nd Street, Suite 1750 , New York City, NY 10165 Detail
A company that provides health disabilities, benefits, employee retirement and healthcare services.

New York International Groups
  212.268-8520       350 Fifth Avenue, 59th Floor, New York City, NY 10118 Detail
Specialize in health, life disabilities treatments, palns, travel insurance and medical services.

The Center for Independence of the Disabled
  212-674-2300      841 Broadway Suite 301, New York City, NY 10003 Detail
Aims to ensure full integration, independence and equal opportunity for all people with disabilities.