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CNY Asset Management, LLC

  1288 W Genesee Street, Suite 2, Syracuse, NY 13204
  Short Description

A company that provides investment management and asset management.

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Year Founded



29/08/2012 09:13:22

I've been with CNYAM for about two years now, It had been great time. CNYAM found three of my clean, very nice and long term tenants.I enjoy working with CNYAM as they are honest, professional and easy to reach. I love the web portal they provide for their customers, as it makes keeping track of finances and tenants very easy. Reports generated in the web portal are helpful in overseeing health of my business. Third Party Maintenance and maintenance fees are higher than expected. Web portal updates and payments of rental income are late on some months. Very rarely I have to call couple times to get things done. This are the only things I noticed that could be improved. I cooperate with Sean of CNYAM on other projects as well and I am very happy with results. I hope we can cooperate in the future and make it mutually beneficial. I highly recommend CNY Asset Management for everyone who wants to improve their experience being a landlord/landlady.

Rating: 4 stars

Customer Reviews (1)
Average:   4.00 stars