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Armstrong Cabinet Products
  (315) 449-2648      5775 Bridge Street, , Syracuse, New York 13057-2996 Detail
A company that specializes in beautiful flooring, ceilings and cabinets for the ideal living space.

Distinctive Innovations, Inc.
  315 696-6672      9 Clinton Street , Syracuse, Florida 13159 Detail
Company providing vineyard furniture, vineyard beds, vineyard tables, dining rooms and dinettes.

Hearth Cabinets and More
  315-641-1197      4483 Buckley Road West,, Syracuse, New York 13088 Detail
Company offering a vast array of beautiful gas and wood fireplaces, stoves, and inserts and cabinetry displays.

Le Gourmet Chef
  (315) 539-9053      655 State Route 318, Syracuse, Florida 13165-5505 Detail
Specializes in presenting a strong merchandising mix of gourmet foods, cookware, bake ware and home entertaining.