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Anthony J. DiMartino, Jr.
  (315) 341-5815      193 West 1st Street , Syracuse, New York 13126 Detail
Firm handles SSI and social security disability cases for claimants throughout central and Northen New York.

Fallon Law in Syracuse, New York
  (315) 422-8614       5298 Terry Road, , Syracuse, New York 13219 Detail
Law firm specializes in workers compensation, social security, and personal injury law.

Law Offices of Kenneth Hiller, PLLC
  888-322-9399      500 S. Salina St., , Syracuse, New York 13202 Detail
Specializes in social security administration, social security disability and social security.

Law Offices of Kenneth Hiller, PLLC.
  412-564-0041       651 Delaware Ave. , Syracuse, New York 14202 Detail
This website is dedicated to specializing in disability and consumer cases in Syracuse.

Peter W. Antonowicz
  (315) 337-4008        333 East Onondaga Street,, Syracuse, New York 13202 Detail
Law firm representing social security disability and supplemental security income.

Syracuse Disability
  (315) 472-0161       201 East Jefferson Street , Syracuse, Wisconsin 13202 Detail
Law firm specializes in representing disabled individuals throughout central New York State.