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Donald Powers Architects
  401.272.4724      140 Union Street , Providence, Rhode Island 02903-1714 Detail
Provides custom residential, commercial design, urban design, town planning, architectural drawingsand architect services.

Durkee, Brown, Viveiros & Werenfels Architects
  401.831.1240      111 Chestnut Street , Providence, Rhode Island 02903 Detail
Provides residential, commercial design, interiors, evolution, classic design, modern design and adaptive reuse services.

Edward Rowse Architects, Inc
  401.331.9200      115 Cedar Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02903 Detail
Providing a full service architectural servicing in most major market segments.

Friedrich St.Florian Architects
  401.831.8400      146 Westminster St., Providence, Rhode Island 02903 Detail
Offers architectural design, design solutions, residental design, commercial, master planning, exhibitions and architect services.

  401.272.0240      166 Valley St, Providence, Rhode Island 02909 Detail
Offers design, home decor, green design, custom residential, architectural drawings, physical models and architect services.

Lamborghini/Feibelman Ltd
  401-272-4505       14 IMPERIAL PLACE , Providence , Rhode Island 02903 Detail
Offers the architectural design of projects of all types and sizes, inventive space planning with practical construction Technology to createe innovative design solutions.

RGB Architects
  401-272-1730      50 Holden St., Providence, Rhode Island 02908 Detail
Specializes in residential& commercial design, architecture, engineering, interior design, home design and architect services.

Torrado Architects
  401-781-0633      35 Greenwich Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02907 Detail
Specializes in residental& commercial design , master planning, educational projects, architectural, interior design and planning services.