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Birthwise Birth & Family Center
  (512) 374-9592      2500 Manor Rd, Austin, Texas 78722 Detail
A family center that offer preconception counseling, prenatal care, postpartum care and additional services.

Bundle of Joy Postpartum Doula Service
  (512) 971-3097     Detail
A Postpartum Doula service that provides postpartum depression & mood, support groups & links, testimonials & referrals and suggested reading services.

Ob.Gyn North
  (512) 425-3825      12201 Renfert Way, Austin, Texas 78758 Detail
A clinic that offers batural labor and childbirth, pain relief in labor, inductions of labor and vaginal births after cesarean sections services.

Sisters Midwifery
  (512) 809-3132      1210 Rosewood Ave, Austin , Texas 78702 Detail
A midwiifes that provides free consultation with prospective clients, preconception counseling and education services.

Wholistic Birthways Midwifery Services
  (512) 653-7892      107 W. Johanna St., Austin , Texas 78741 Detail
A midvife that offers exercise, resources, nutrition and birth stories services.