Listings | ||
American Journalism Center
(202) 364-4401 4455 Connecticut Ave., NW, , Washington D.C, 20008
Offers paid internships in journalism, public relations, and marketing to conservative college students.Oberlin Journalism in DC Blog
Specialize in journalism a taste of real-time, real-life journalism in our nation's capital, including two days at the Washington post.
Project for Excellence in Journalism
202-419-3650 1615 L Street N.W, Washington D.C, 20036
Specialize in using empirical methods to evaluate and study the performance of the press, particularly content analysis.Semester in Washington Journalism
202.994.7787 805 21st Street NW, Washington D.C, 20052
Provides list of possible internship sites and check the grow section for testimonials from students in the current program. The Fund for Independence in Journalism
(202) 481-1244 910 17th Street, NW,, Washington D.C, 20006
Specialize in high quality, public service journalism whose primary focus was to provide legal defense and endowment support to the Center for Public Integrity. The National Press Club
202-662-7500 529 14th St. NW, Washington D.C, 20045
Dedicated to supporting the ongoing improvement of the profession of journalism.Washington Center for Politics & Journalism
202/296-8455 600 New Hampshire Ave., NW, , Washington D.C, 20037
Dedicated to improving the quality of political journalism. |