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Bravura Moulding Co
  1-800-777-5728      1405 16th St, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53403-2249 Detail
Company manufactures fine picture frame moulding.

Evald Moulding Co Inc
   (920) 261-8857      421 Dayton Street, , Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53094-3615 Detail
Provides wood mouldings, evald's metal line, framing accessories & supplies catalog and photographer's package.

Fillinger Inc
  (414) 353-8433      6750 North 43rd Street , Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53209 Detail
Company createes custom cabinetry for your kitchen, bathroom, library, entertainment center, office and more.

Gossen Corporation
  414.228.9800      2030 W. Bender Road, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53209 Detail
A firm that specializes in decking, mouldings and other building materials .

Hanson & Leja Lumber Company
  1.920.261.1831      2197 Hwy. 26, , Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53098 Detail
Company supplies green and kiln dried northern hardwood lumber in truck and container load lots nationally and internationally.

PM Plastics Company
  262.691.1700       627 Capitol Dr. , Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53072 Detail
A company that provides custom injection molding, tool building, and assembly.